Welcome to the Blog about the Love between a child and his mother. And how it was all taken away because of the irresponcibility of our court system.

Help me bring him home

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I keep reflecting on the one day in court that we had with the judge. Non of my evidence was ever entered to prove that my house was clean.
The one thing that I have tried to understand is how the judge allowed the Meth test into the court anyway. I seem to remember that a test done without the knowledge of the home owner or tenant is insubmisable in court. It leads me to believe that the judge has no knowledge that it was done that way. Or do they live by a different set of rules in juvenile court.
Anyway I look at it my son and I were split up on false pretenses.

In the mediation it was known that I received $1000 per month from my mother.
 Edith Croixen is the one who figured out child support during the temporary custody. She awarded my Ex $183 per month based on that $1000.
 After court that day I received a call from the bank stating that I would only be receiving one more check .
Now I was responsible to pay based on money I no longer had.

Last month I found out that my ex husband was now receiving the $1000 a month.
This made everything clear as far as why my ex has been hesitant to sign papers to start the joint custody.

 I never thought my mother would stoop so low as to leak out into the community that I was a drug addict which is not true and now she was paying  John $1000 a month to take care of Taylor and probably also make John think twice about letting Taylor come home because of the extra income. I can only hope that John is bigger than that.

I am fighting an uphill battle. My mother has enough money to keep my son away. She has the best attorney money can buy. She knows full well that I cant afford the attorney to fight for my son. The public defender I had never studied my case or presented any evidence.
I know they have a heavy case load but she didn't even try.

Why do attorneys have to cost $5000. I have done nothing wrong and my son and I are being punished.

How do you explain to a 12 year old boy that you love him with all your heart and he is priceless to you, but you cant afford the money for the attorney it will take to get him back.

Its not fair that they can destroy my family because of something that was caused by someone else.

I will continue the story in my next post. Please retweet my blog on Twitter. I need all the followers I can get for support. Thank you for reading my story. Please be sure to read the prior post for the full story.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How could this happen.

The summer of 2009 had been a good one. Taylor had spent it at camp and I was remodeling the house to get it ready for sale.
Because of the fact that Taylor and I had been getting headaches for some time, I had a mold specialist come to run tests on the house for anything that would cause them.
My mother asked the general contractor, Glen Kerslake to have the specialist sneak in another test without my knowledge, which she did.
When the test results came back a few weeks later a meeting was called at the office of Greg Gadarian the attorney for my trust. The house was found to have high levels of Carbon Monoxide caused by the water heater. Then Greg tossed a report down in front of me which said my house was contaminated by Meth residue. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Greg then asked me if I was the cause of this residue to which I told him absolutely not. I told him that several years prior I had tried it with my sister but didn't like it.
He asked if I would do a hair follicle test. I told him no there was no need.
The next day I was sitting at my computer looking up the dangers of meth residue, when all of a sudden my house was rushed by the TPD Narcotics Squad. It seems that Mr. Gadarian had my house raided.
The police found nothing and had acted without a search warrant so they left.
I had my son go visit his father out of town while I had the house re mediated to get rid of the residue and have the house certified clean so it could be sold.
I was in shock that all of this had happened. All I wanted to do was find out where the contamination had come from.
When my son returned he went to my mothers house because our house's test results had not come back.
My mother had been acting strange to me in regards to my son. She was extremely protective over him and tried to limit my contact.
I found out that she had hired an attorney to get custody of my son due to the test results.
I explained to her I was not the cause of the problem nor was my fiancee who I knew she didn't care for anyway. But she filed anyway.
She was granted temporary custody on the grounds of the residue tests.
I was not allowed to have any communication with my son at all. I was devastated.
I was ordered to go to CPS for an interview and drug testing . They also tested my son.
CPS interviewed my mother , my Ex husband, and my son.
My mother said she was only keeping Taylor until the house was found clean.
When the test results came back clean I told Mom, but she refused to return my son.
My heart was crushed,I had no idea what I was going to do. I had spent $10,000 on cleaning my house, and I had lost my son for something I didn't cause.
In just a matter of a few days my life was torn apart. I no longer had a fiancee,or a child. Where once there was my family and now it was gone. Just like that my mother destroyed everything that meant anything to me.
The papers her attorney filed were so full of lies and unbelievable accusations.
I don't understand how a juvenile court could accept that without investigation as to the facts of the case.
My mothers attorney had written that I was guilty of having an unfit home by reason of abuse, neglect, and depravity. Non of which was remotely true.
I called my mother and said I cant believe you signed that order. I asked her if she knew what depravity meant. She said depriving someone of something. I told her 1st of all I have never deprived Taylor of anything and that depravity meant lude sexual acts in front of a child. She said she didn't know that.
Her attorney Edith A. Croxen had flat out lied about everything to get the results she wanted which was custody of my child.
My mother Louise L. Serpa is well known in Tucson and around the country. She was the first women inducted into the Rodeo Hall Of Fame and has written a book called Rodeo and has had many T.V. documentary films done on her. And now she is dealing with Cancer as well. Which made this more difficult for me because all I wanted to do is be there to help her but because of the situation that was impossible.
The News of what happened spread throughout the rodeo community and into the general public. Now I was this drug crazed person. I didn't know what to do.
We had a hearing in front of the judge. Finally I would get my son back . It had been months.
CPS  called me the morning of court to tell me that my hair folicle came back a false postive and because the house was dirty she had to say in court it was positive which she did. And that after interviewing all parties they felt that the case had no merit and they would not take it. I was relieved. I told the court the cout that the test results were inaccurate and I would submit to a second test.
Then Ms. Croixen started to go on about the house had no utilities and wouldn't be inhabitable for some time.
I had given my court appointed attorney the papers to prove the house was clean and was furnished and ready for Taylor to come home. She never gave it to the Judge.
The judge ruled in my mothers favor and Taylor was not to come home but was allowed to go to his fathers. I was shattered. A week later I took the second test which came back negative for anything.

I will continue on my next post. Thanks for taking the time to hear my story.